992tv最新入口福利在线 纽约天气怎么样是下雨天用英语怎么说

admin 2023-07-04 12:30 阅读数 #趣味分享


On a rainy day, it's important to know how to talk about the weather in English. Here are some phrases that you can use to describe the rain and the gloomy mood that often accompanies it.

Firstly, you can start by simply saying "It's raining." This is a straightforward way to communicate that it is currently raining outside. Alternatively, you can say "It's pouring" or "It's drizzling" to describe the intensity of the rain.

If you want to get more descriptive, you can say "The rain is coming down in sheets" to describe the appearance of the rain. You can also say "The rain is beating against the windows" to describe the sound of the rain hitting a surface.

On a rainy day, people often feel gloomy and lazy. To express this mood, you can say "It's a dreary day" or "The weather is really getting me down." You can also say "I feel like just curling up with a good book and a cup of tea" to describe a common activity on a rainy day.

If you are stuck outside in the rain, you may need to seek shelter. In this case, you can say "I need to find some cover" or "I need to get inside somewhere." You can also say "I'm getting soaked" to describe your wet clothes.

In general, talking about the weather is one of the most basic and common topics in English conversation. Being able to describe a rainy day is a useful skill that will help you communicate with others. By using these phrases, you will be able to describe the rain and the gloomy mood that often accompany it.

992tv最新入口福利在线 纽约天气怎么样是下雨天用英语怎么说

2、992tv最新入口福利在线 纽约天气怎么样是下雨天用英语怎么说

When we want to know the weather in a particular place, it is important to learn how to express the idea in English correctly. For example, if you want to know if it is raining in New York City, you can ask “What’s the weather like in New York, is it raining today?”

Asking about the weather can be a great conversation starter when you meet someone new or when you are traveling to a new place. In the context of New York City, one of the most iconic cities in the world, you can never go wrong asking about the weather.

In order to express the idea of rain, the most common way is to use the verb “rain.” So, to say that there is rain in New York, you can say “It’s raining in New York City today.” Alternatively, if you want to ask if it will rain in New York, you can say “Will it rain in New York City later?”

Apart from “rain,” there are other phrases that can be used to describe precipitation, such as “drizzle” and “downpour”. If it is raining very lightly or just a little bit, you can say “It’s drizzling in New York right now.” If it is raining heavily and continuously, you can say “There’s a downpour in New York. It's pouring heavily on the streets.”

It is also worth noting that in the US, the weather is usually expressed in Fahrenheit. So, for example, if you want to know what the temperature is like in New York City, you can ask “What’s the temperature in New York City today?”.

In conclusion, asking about the weather in English is a great way to start a conversation, and expressing the idea of rain in New York City is as simple as using the verb “rain” or phrases like “drizzle” and “downpour.” So, if you ever find yourself in the Big Apple, don’t be shy to ask “What’s the weather like in New York today?”


