992tv最新入口福利在线 运气用英语怎么说luck

admin 2023-07-05 11:00 阅读数 #生活百科


Luck is an essential part of our lives. Sometimes, we may feel fortunate, while at other times, it seems like bad luck is following us around like a shadow. Regardless of whether we believe in it or not, the concept of luck is present in most cultures around the globe. English, being a universal language, has many words and expressions to describe luck in different contexts.

Firstly, the most basic and widely used word for luck in English is "luck" itself. We use it in various ways, like wishing someone good luck before an exam or a job interview. In addition to this, we also use phrases such as "lucky break" or "stroke of luck" to describe fortunate situations or events that happen unexpectedly.

Secondly, if we want to describe a lucky person or someone who tends to have good fortune, we can use "fortunate," "lucky," or "blessed." These words are commonly used in everyday conversation to describe someone's favorable circumstances or outcomes. For example, "She's a very lucky person to have found her dream job," or "He was fortunate enough to have inherited a fortune from his grandparents."

Thirdly, we have expressions that describe bad luck. The expression "out of luck" is commonly used to signify that someone has run out of good fortune or opportunities. Likewise, "jinxed" or "cursed" are words used to describe someone or something that is deemed unlucky or unfortunate.

Finally, we have idioms that convey the idea of luck in a more playful and humorous way. One such idiom is "the luck of the draw," which refers to an outcome determined by chance or luck. Another idiom is "third time's a charm," which suggests that success may come after repeated attempts or failures.

In conclusion, English has a wide vocabulary to describe the concept of luck in various contexts. It is essential to understand these words and expressions to effectively communicate with English speakers and to express our ideas about luck in a more nuanced way.

992tv最新入口福利在线 运气用英语怎么说luck

2、992tv最新入口福利在线 运气用英语怎么说luck

Luck 是英语中常用的词汇,意思为“运气”,通常用来描述某件事情的结果是否有利。在英语中,我们可以使用一些词汇和短语来描述“luck”的不同方面和程度。

当我们形容某人非常幸运时,可以使用词汇fortunate、lucky或者blessed。例如,“我非常幸运地得到了那份工作”,可以说“I was fortunate to get that job”或者“I was lucky to get that job”。又如,“我真的很幸运在生命中有这么多好事”,我们可以说“I feel blessed to have so many good things in my life”。

另外,当我们想表达某种不可预测的运气或巧合时,可以使用词汇coincidence或者fluke。例如:“我遇到了一个老朋友,这简直是巧合”,我们可以说“I ran into an old friend – it was such a coincidence”或者“Meeting my old friend was a fluke”。

然而,有时候我们也需要表达出某种不好的运气,例如lousy luck或是bad luck。例如:“我在注定要考试的那天生病了,真是倒霉”,我们可以说“I got sick on the day of the exam – talk about lousy luck!”或者“Talk about bad luck – I got sick on exam day”.

除此之外,关于“运气”的说法还有很多,例如God's will、stroke of luck、run of good fortune等等。运气是人们日常生活中经常遇到的事情,对于不同的情况,我们可以用不同的词汇和短语来表达不同的含义。


